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Nokia's traffic data mixed include with Microsoft's Maps

Microsoft always brings lot of strategy to increase its business strength and try to reach the lower level
people as well.Always brings the smart idea to the market as soon as they have get the good reputation for
the particular mobiles.Recently we know that Nokia released its windows phone Lumia which is massive hit
in the market.

Now Nokia and Microsoft both tech gaint are tie up and agreed to share the traffic data and plan to integrate
with Windows phone.Its really a good news for all the Nokia Windows phone lovers.Recently in the E3 2012 event Microsoft just revealed this information to the public like "Microsoft deployed Nokia's traffic details into their Mobile phone OS".This will arrive shorted through out the world in a couple of months.

This traffic details brings the more detailed version of traffic in the US for all the Windows phone users.
The traffic information tightly integrated with Microsoft's Map apps and now all the Windows phone users
in the US will get the full overview of traffic across the country and congestion in the traffic as well.

Microsoft also reveals the new information like this technology will be available in the future for the following
countrie Ireland, Austria,Finland, France,Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain,Netherlands,Belgium, Brazil, Denmark,Switzerland, Turkey, Norway,Germany, Greece, India,  Indonesia, , Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Sweden, , Ukraine and finally for United Kingdom as well.

One good news for Indian people as well who ever using Nokia's Lumia windows phone or other windows phone those people will get this technology enabled by next couple of weeks.It covers all the metropolitan cities first.


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