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LilliPutian Portable Battery Recharge Cell.

Now every ever you go you can recharge your mobile on the move using Lilliputian Portable recharge
cell.(Fuel Cell)

The retailer BrookStone selling this fuel Cell batter recharge equipement with his brookstone brand itself.
But Actually Lilliputian Systems US has manufacturing this sytems and given license to cell this batter in the
market with BrookStone name.

As per the official news, this device recharge phone number of times before recharge itself.This device is very small and
it will be accomodate in Palm of your hand and the size of this device like Cigarette Lighter...the entire device looks like that.

This Portable recharge device will charge the device that compatible for USB as well as contain the reloaded Cartridges butane
to give power.Once the recharge has over on the fuel users can purhcase the refills through online in BrooksStone.

This idea is very interesting when ever the device cant able to recharge just refill it and charge it.

As per the device manufactured the device is cable of charging iPhone 5 to 12 times and 15 time with one cartridge.

One Cartridge which will work approximatly one to two weeks.The price not yet disclosed and reloadable cartridges will cost
around $3 to $5.


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